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Sreeal Co-Founder Sahitya Raj appointed as Deputy Vice President, WEE, CIMSME|ICTMAE, Telangana State

We, Team Sreeal is honored as our Co-founder, Sahitya Raj has been appointed as honorary Deputy Vice President, Women Entrepreneurship and Empowerment, CIMSME/ ICTMAE - Telangana State.

CIMSME - Confederation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

ICTMAE - International Council of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering

In Sahitya's words, "It gives me another wonderful opportunity to bring together the immense potential of a woman and an entrepreneur. I am excited to grab it and empower them at my best capacity, which, I am sure paints the future bright. I am looking forward towards my contribution through CIMSME-WEE for empowering the women entrepreneurs out there and witness the fruition."